這兩個人之間非常有化學效應,Chemistry不是搞基的必備因素,卻是這對基友能不能旺起來的關鍵要素,例如法鯊一美、裘德洛RDJ與MFBC之類,簡單來說就是兩人必須有一見鍾情二見發情一見如故的感覺,這種感覺很難說得清,在此借用魔法特看到MF跟BC站在一起時的感想:"Right there." 直譯正中萌點(別亂講)彼此見到對方時會知道,那個人就是他了。
這兩人也同樣給人很多"愛"的感覺,畢竟是演員們私底下關係頗佳,這也是為什麼可以激盪出化學效應的原因。觀眾真的能從作品中可以看出演員們投注多少熱情,他們私下感情究竟是好是壞,具體差異可以看《Transformers:Dark of the Moon》跟《The Avengers》。別誤會,我沒有拉仇恨的意思,相反地我對變型金剛系列越拍越憋這點感到很可惜,我不敢說《The Avengers》成員感情都好到不可開交,但至少可以確定RDJ跟Mark是好朋友、RDJ是大家崇拜的前輩,更是CE接下美國隊長的推手、CE跟思嘉成為好朋友、鷹眼跟大家感情都不錯,更別說CH/TH這對從《Thor》就愛到現在的好基友(硍)
糟糕,前言越寫越長,而且私毫沒有重點b 好吧,節省時間直接切入正題,你也知道年紀大了就是這樣,愛碎碎唸嘛~我只是跟Tom看齊,他的話撈程度也是業界知名(抖森表示別拖他下水……)
1、"It’s quite literally a bromance."—TH(來源) 重磅指數:★★★★★
For Chris and Tom, could you talk a little bit about the dynamic between yourselves as actors, vying for the attention of Sir Anthony Hopkins, as well as the brotherly dynamic that went from brotherhood to rivalry - and the bloody nose one of you received on set from said rivalry?
Chris Hemsworth:"I nearly caught Tom talking about having breakfast with Tony at one point. And I said, 'What? He’s having breakfast and I’m not?' But, no, Tony, actually you said it, that it’s much easier to, I think, hate someone on screen if you actually like them off screen.(矮油,錘哥嘴好甜唷~)It’s just a more enjoyable ride. And this is nothing sort of personal about it. We got along and came into this at the same point in our careers, with the same sort of enthusiasm, you know, and love for these types of films and just had a great time doing it. Yeah, and you either have chemistry with someone or you don’t. And, thankfully, I think it was there. So to play brothers was, it was easy and fun."
Tom Hiddleston:"It’s quite literally a bromance.(這句話把我嚇了半死)Right, it’s the bro - the bro aspect of the word is for real. But Chris is absolutely right. I can’t imagine having to go to sort of the emotional extremity that we both have to go to if we actually didn’t like each other. It’d be just horrendous to go to work. And I think, you know, the fact that we get along makes it kind of like - we just egg each other on between takes. Maybe we’d like raise each other’s game or something. And we just had a really, really good time."
"And, also, there are so many things that went wrong, that were just accidents that make you laugh. And it’s such a huge journey. We both spent two years of our lives working on this film, and it’s so nice that there’s somebody else who’s kind of alongside. Like Chris had a few drinks at the wrap party, and was like hanging out the window on the way back to the hotel, saying..."
Chris Hemsworth:"That’s not true. You’re ruining my career right there."
Tom Hiddleston:[Laughing] "Sorry. And he said to me before we went up to our rooms, he was like, 'You’re the only one who understands me.'”(錘哥我錯了,其實你的嘴才是最甜的啊!)
Chris Hemsworth:"I have no idea what I was talking about. Yeah."
我想,這些就能代表一切,我一直覺得這段發言應該無法被超越,但抖森之所以是大手就是因為他總能突破萌點的上限跟黃暴度的下限,他最新作品就是上一篇提到的"And the reason I can be vulnerable with Chris is beacuse I like him so much.",GOD!這句我真的可以錶框起來放在床頭,天天睡前默唸三遍以表對Hiddlesworth最大手的尊敬與崇拜。
2、我打你、你踢我,喔,你真的打我了! 重磅指數:★★
抖森也常說,能跟一個信賴的演員演戲是件很重要的事(The great thing about working with Chris Hemsworth, is that we can get pretty rough with each other. We can really go for it, and I know he won’t really hurt me, and he knows I won’t really hurt him.We can really go there.) 抖森說得也對,無論是展現脆弱的文戲或是打起錘子互敲的打戲,如果看不爽對方的話,怎可能發揮出最好效果?不過他們有些打戲是真的來,因為一直拍不到Joss想要的效果,Tom就叫CH來真格的,最後Tom笑笑地說他原諒CH揍他的臉,因為是他叫CH這麼做的。
這段事情也有寫成新聞稿:‘Avengers’ star Tom Hiddleston told Chris Hemsworth to really hit him,裡面的描述更詳細,而且補上了錘哥的反應。抖森跟CH說反正有做保護措施,所以乾脆直接來吧(這段翻起來怎麼有點怪?),反倒CH有點猶豫但打起來倒是挺帶勁,所幸最後效果有達到導演的要求。而記者跟錘哥談起這段時,錘哥依照慣例撇得一乾二淨"I turned to the crew and I said, 'He told me to do that! You all heard that.'" 看來他拍完後很擔心會被劇組圍毆XD
3、小動作展貼心。 重磅指數:★★
細水長流的情感都是從小動作中發現的XD YT上流傳甚廣的俄國節目視頻與德國節目視頻可以分別看到兩人自然的互動與對朋友們的貼心。
抖森根本從頭到尾都在對著他哥放電,主持人暗喻抖森話太多這樣其他人都說不到話而把他趕到了CH旁邊,殊不知,這棋錯得可大了 因為抖森一到他哥旁邊馬上就小動作一堆,最後兩人還自顧自談起來,結果抖森又被主持人點名叫他專心點XD 嗯,我有些話想對這主持人說:大哥你就承認吧……其實,你喜歡抖森對吧!一直管他只因你忌妒對吧(靠)
好吧,我能理解,畢竟這角度真的很吸引人XD 但請轉移一點注意力到後半段的玩錘子遊戲,那段才跟主題"貼心"有關。錘哥家中排行老二,上有哥哥下有弟弟(是的,跟抖森完全相反),雖然他看起來有點憨(我覺得CH是俊美中帶點憨味,愛錘哥的不要打我)其實挺會照顧人,5:58他看到不怎麼靠譜的抖森在甩錘子,立刻就把JR往後拉XD 7:13他把脫下的外套順手拿給Tom時,我相信很多人都摀著心口流淚,這動作多麼自然與流暢,感情如果不好根本不可能這麼順手,遊戲最後確定是錘哥贏的時候,抖森笑得超開心。