To the fans of Real Madrid,
I have spent four years here giving my all to the team and overcoming challenges. We won three titles during the four years I have donned the Real Madrid shirt. This great club has a special place in my heart.
I am now embarking on a new stage in my professional career, but I will always be fond of Spain and remember the good times I had here, and I am confident that all the effort was made in pursuit of success. There were many difficult times, but being part of the history of a great club like Real Madrid will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teammates, coaches, all the staff, the management, the president Florentino Pérez, all the Real Madrid fans and those who have supported me over the years.
Thank you and ¡Hala Madrid!
更新聲明:卡卡FB專頁PO的英文翻譯沒有RM官方FB專頁版本來得好,照卡卡FB專頁的翻譯會覺得這傢伙頗欠揍(Four seasons of work and dedication. In these 4 years wearing the Real's white, I won three championships and could enjoy the love and respect of a great club. 我看到這句時超想把他拖出來揍一頓,但官方翻譯就委婉多了),根本招黑用的吧b 所以我改採RM官方的翻譯好了……
當我看到感謝信時,嘲諷的感覺大於悲嘆。我愛了這三年的男人,最後狠狠打了我的臉離開,無奈的是,我依舊愛他,羅二也是。我因卡卡離開RM後的發言難過,為他跑回ACM憤怒,卻克制不了刷他消息的慾望,只要看到他開心拿著ACM球衣,就心痛得想戳爛自己雙眼罵自己幹嘛這麼賤,然後隔天繼續自虐OTL 畢竟三年這說長不長說短不短的歲月,也不是簡單一句「我不看你在ACM的球賽」就能放下。
