話說你到底被投食了多少巧克力啊湯湯?抖森好容易被拐喔,只要丟一排巧克力,他就會乖乖到你家,CH要不要試試看?(錘哥表示:我用我的內褲當餌 )
補一段Marvel家的妙事,跟CH合演《SWATH》的暮光女Kristen Stewart之前不是爆出軌事件嗎?據說片商續集打算扶正CH,削減暮光女的戲份,但導演可能續任,貌似網路上針對這個有小爭執,說這是性別歧視,考森探員扮演者Clark Gregg轉了這則消息,之後粉絲問他是不是也跟導演搞上,所以才在婦聯中被賜死?
I can't lie anymore. 事實真相就是我跟JOSS肛上了。
喵的哩我好愛你啊考森XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 從以前聽訪談就覺得Clark臨場反應很快,而且頗幽默,這堆大叔玩得比小朋友們快樂多了,湯湯的"I love Chris Hemsworth and Chris Hemsworth loves me."弱爆了!完全比不過這群老薑,湯湯你還要再加油啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!希望下次爆照片的人是你,我很認真。
When I fall in love with someone, then that doesn’t “just” happen… When I love someone’s character, over time I’ll see that personality, I love so much, shining through their eyes and fusing with their appearance, turning them in the most beautiful girl in the world. It’s not about appearance, it’s about someone’s beautiful, amazing, wonderful, fantastic personality, you’ll see everytime you look at her. It’s about the fact that when you look in her eyes, you just feel home… You forget all your problems, all your fears, you just feel safe, you feel like you’ve finally found a place where you belong… A place you can spend an eternity, where you will spend an eternity, cause those enchanting, beautiful eyes will slow down time and make every second; looking in her beautiful eyes, right into her amazing personality, last more than a lifetime.
It’s about the fact that the whole world, the whole universe just looks so much more beautiful!! All of a sudden everything looks different and your heart will just start smiling. That’s what love is all about… the moment someone you only “liked “before, changes into the most aesthetical pleasing girl in the world. The moment you realise how blind you’ve been all those days, how you were living in a fake universe, never knowing that the only thing your life is all about, the only thing that keeps you smiling, was all the time right next to you. -Tom Hiddleston
這篇並不是真的,闢謠篇請見:IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!! TOM QUOTE ABOUT LOVE IS FAKE!!! AND MERE TRICKERY!!!! 噗,我還想說抖森的愛情觀也太少女,這種形容方式根本是高中女孩在談戀愛,結果居然是FAKE,喵的,本來想大力嘲笑一下的說