之前一直謠傳的戀人得到正名,小本已與Mark Bradshaw成立civil partnership(民事伴侶關係,等同結婚),那些幻想小本娶了姑娘的迷妹們可以洗洗睡了,就說我的雷達神準吧哼哼
來自《每日郵報》的消息(Bond star 'marries' his gay partner - and they are both 'so happy and proud'),應該有一定的可信度,雖然以前這家也有不少黑歷史XD 但文章中連小本的發言人都出馬惹 (Last night Whishaw’s spokesman confirmed the civil partnership, saying: ‘Ben has never hidden his sexuality, but like many actors he prefers not to discuss his family or life outside of his work. ‘Due to speculation, I can confirm that Ben and Mark entered into a civil partnership in August 2012. They were proud to do so and are very happy.’),所以這次就暫且相信吧。根據發言人的說法,小本跟馬克去年八月就成立了"婚姻關係",這跟年初《雲圖》導演說溜嘴小本已婚這事不謀而合呢。