




被M家遺忘到現在Thor2宣傳又要啟動,CH接受了一篇長訪談,編輯下的標題完全展現出自己神準的市場嗅覺:Chris Hemsworth Talks Brotherly Love For Loki And More On The Set Of Thor: The Dark World。因為是上映前的訪談,所以CH也不能透露太多細節,他談論比重大略是Asgard-Tom-Thor-Alan Taylor(導演)-Loki-婦聯-Loki-婦聯二-Loki-Loki-Loki-人魔老爹跟Sif-Loki-Loki-最後被記者提醒才想到Jane這樣(喂)


CH認為對Thor來說,Loki是他的弟弟,即使他到處搗蛋沿路犯錯,他還是自己的弟弟,雖然漫畫中Thor跟Loki的關係時好時壞,但CH目前不能說他們在電影中會怎麼變化。(Um...I don’t know. I think maybe we have a common need or something. You know the scene in Avengers when Thor says, “Careful how you speak.” He may be crazy but he’s my brother. He’s a screw up, but he is my brother. I don’t think they’re going back to being best friends, but I think Thor’s at a loss about how they got to this point, ‘cause for him I think all this stuff came out of nowhere. I think that then in this film he certainly can acknowledge now, with a maturity, that, okay, he should have been more aware of Loki over the years, and where he was positioned and all of this, and why maybe that led him down a certain path. So I think there’s a sort of an empathetic view for Loki that no one else can have because they’re not bound by blood.) 突然覺得基基好可憐……血統這件事情對於神族來說很重要吧,不然他也不用這麼費心想證明自己,也不會一夜抓狂六親不認。我覺得Thor是個好哥哥,他有情有義,深受下屬愛戴,雖然有時候顯得過於衝動而且不夠心狠,常常被笑成是弟控,但我覺得Thor這些正面特質也許是喚回Loki良知的契機也說不定?想當初兄弟倆在史塔克大樓打架時,Thor要Loki看看自己闖了什麼禍、要他結束戰爭一起回家,其實我覺得Loki那瞬間有一絲後悔,只是一切木已成舟,「瑞凡索爾……我回不去了Q__Q」然後他捅了Thor一刀,標準不作死就不會死的前奏,估計Loki在Thor 2依舊會自己沒事討揍OTL



01 02 

CH一到雅加達就直奔購物中心Plaza IndonesiaXD 這樣穿好帥,雖然我依舊怨念頭髮,但CH瘦身後顯得更精壯哩,而且瘦虧瘦,該有的溝可沒少(喘) 


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