感謝Plurk上對莎士比亞有研究的Cindy整理了Henry IV part1 劇情懶人包,大家可以參考一下,這樣看生肉比較不會痛XD
7.5 BBC放新的預告跟幕後啦~Shakespeare Unlocked: On set with Hiddleston and Irons,Henry V長年征戰,要平定內亂還要捍衛家園,所以抖森穿戰袍的畫面挺多,辛苦工作人員跟演員在大冷天還要去外地穿著重重的服裝拍戲,希望最終效果很值得。
好溫油的國王~ (via make your move, reindeer games)
7.6 BBC的新訪談Henry IV and Henry V: Q&A with the costume designer,抖森重重的鎧甲與平常服裝都有經過特別設計,因為抖森身材真他媽的好,所以劇組讓他的衣服更貼身,以展現湯湯那HOT到爆表的曲線(原文:Tom Hiddleston is an action hero and the fights are extreme physical endurance, we honed those costumes like building a second skin.We made his armour out of rubber and he was sewn into things at times. It was precisely fitted so he could move and look sexy because he's got an amazing physique.)矮油,我的理解跟翻譯其實也沒錯很多嘛(痛揍)
話說這張一直讓我看成"肚子前插了一刀" OTL
7.7 湯湯自己的更新~
配文是"For the fortune of us that are the moon's men doth ebb and flow like the sea, being governed, as the sea is, by the moon". HENRY IV PART I, by William Shakespeare. 抖森真的偏愛Twitter,你有想過FB的心情嗎?蛤?!
下面偷懶,來放幾張Henry V的劇照w
(via 湯湯的FB)結果這張大圖是湯湯自己放的,抖森幹得好啊! (←我好喜歡這隻XD)
(via repimg)這Tumblr之前都是放抖森的戰馬劇照,現在終於開始放Henry V的照片了,呼呼~