一直忘記更新這條消息,總之,Joss透露正在規劃中的AVENGERS 2並沒有Loki:"Everyone is going to be looking for the Loki-Hulk smash moment and you'll be looking for quim. No, first of all, imitating what I did before is the surest way to do it not as well. Second of all, Loki's not there to say those terrible things. Although I do think we should bring the word back, not as an insult, it's just a nice word." (via Joss Whedon Talks Quicksilver And Scarlet Witch Also Reveals No Loki In AVENGERS 2) 中譯版見此。
對這消息不感到意外,畢竟Loki已在AVENGERS大放異彩過,而且AVENGERS 2還會加入其他新的超級英雄,理所當然反派也要換個更給力的。在AVENGERS這種英雄大雜匯的電影中,Loki身為唯一反派而得到最多戲份,還能與所有的復仇者們對戲,這經驗對抖森來說實屬難得。近期內除了雷神二外,應該有段時間看不到Asgard童養媳惹,雖然AVENGERS 2將不會有Loki,但還是希望洛姬能出現在花絮被鐵男笑個髮線、被哥哥壓個兩輪、被浩克揍個幾拳,一同搞個笑之類(咳)
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