
天啊,洋妞實在太給力!訪談果不其然很有料,CH跟抖森間的相知相惜與無聊鬥嘴都有被寫進文章內唷www 全文請見:Transcript of the Thor 2 article in the October edition of Empire Magazine.




1、不知道為什麼,文內又講了一次當年CH拍雷神時把抖森揍到流鼻血的事情,CH對此感到很愧疚,不過他的愛妻湯湯再三保證沒事,還認為拍打鬥戲嘛~發生這種事情很正常。抖森修養好,他被CH揍到流鼻血時,也是笑笑地對CH說"你打到我的臉了",再跟導演說"我能有回擊的機會嗎w"再跟導演要求看回播,結果讓他非常滿意,巧妙地化解了可能引發的爭執。(All intended to play out in such a way that neither actor’s blows actually connect. Except a fractional misjudgement led to Hemsworth’s elbow crunching into Hiddleston’s nose, for real. Hiddleston saw stars. Blood gushed from his nostrils. “You hit my face!” he spluttered, laughing, to Hemsworth. Hiddleston immediately asked the director, Kenneth Branagh, if he could play the moment back. Branagh was happy to. The shot, Hiddleston concluded, was amazing, and to this day he is proud it made the final cut. Such impressiveness did little to quell Hemsworth’s mortification. The towering Australian couldn’t apologise enough. “Dude, it’s fine!” Hiddleston cheerily assured him. “We are playing Norse gods engaged in an epic battle! That’s what we signed up for!”)


還有他們倆於婦聯拍兄弟在史塔克大樓對打的故事:因為抖森頭盔會擋住視線,所以"洛姬被葛格揍"這幕一直得不到Joss想要的效果,然後抖森建議CH來真的,結果一拍完CH就立刻澄清是湯要他真揍喔!(Atop Stark Tower, amid the skyscrapers of Manhatten, Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth were shooting Loki and Thor’s one-on-one scrap, to occur moments before the Commander in Mischief unleashes his world-conquering army of Chitauri for the final act of Avengers Assemble. Hemsworth was pulling his punches, not simply to avoid another accidental impact, but because it was Hiddleston’s job to sell the power of each hit through his reaction. But, with his head encased in that elaborately horned helmet, Hiddleston was finding it difficult to convincingly snap back, for fear of genuinely damaging his neck. “It looks good,” said director Joss Whedon to Hiddleston, “but it doesn’t look like he’s hitting you very hard.” “Well he’s not,” replied Hiddleston. So he turned to Hemsworth. “Let’s just go for it.” “You sure?” asked Hemsworth “Yeah, it’s fine,” Hiddleston assured him. By now the pair had rehearsed and performed so many fights against each other they relished recreating the kind of raw physicality they had enjoyed so much in the movies they grew up with, like Braveheart and Gladiator. “Just hit me on this take.” So Hemworth did, pile-driving into Hiddleston’s chest, pummelling him out of frame. Hemsworth quickly turned to the camera operator. “You saw him ask me to do it, mate!” he cried, as Hiddleston lay on the floor, chuckling. “You all saw it!” Hemsworth appealed to the crew. “He told me to hit him!” Whedon jogged over with a huge smile on his face, and announced: “We got it.”) CH超怕被全劇組追殺XD 因為他真揍了大家的甜心湯wwwwww


2、抖森與CH一同起飛。當年他們名不見經傳,很多面試機會都被刷下,還曾經競爭過同個角色。雖然抖森覺得肯尼導演做了正確的決定,但這不妨礙他帶著當年試鏡Thor的照片調戲CH,還一直刺激葛格:「我覺得(自己穿雷神的衣服)看起來不賴,你確定他們當年做了正確的選擇嗎?」(Hemsworth chuckles. “Tom will say, ‘Oh God, I never could have done it, you were great for it’…But he brings it up a lot! He pulls out pictures of when he did the Thor test, with him in the wig, and he says, ‘Ooh, are you sure they made the right choice? Not bad, huh?’” “He’s actually seen my screen test, ” admits Hiddleston. “We watched it together. I’d put on 20lbs; I’d hit the gym and did it properly, and I showed him the test and he was like, ‘Nah, mate. How much you benching?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know, like, 120?’ And he said, Nah, I’ve got this, mate…’ I love the fact that he’s completely cool with watching that and laughing about it.”) 抖森最喜歡炫耀自己然後看CH打自己的臉,真是標準自己沒事找事欠抽的類型,CH別忘記多打他幾下屁股XD


3、對抖森來說,他對CH算是一見鍾情XDDDDDD 他對CH的第一印象居然是"這傢伙好高"(粗體字請自重),他們倆為了可能一飛衝天的機會共同努力著,幾乎是見面當下就產生了友情。當然,最愛跟人表白的抖森不會放過任何示愛的機會,他這次也說了:「我非常喜歡他(CH)。」 (The pair first met just over four years ago at Kenneth Branagh’s house, when the director invited them, and Natalie Portman, over for a few days to get to know each other. ” I remember Chris walked in and I was like, ‘This guy is huge!’” smiles Hiddleston. “And he was just immediately very relaxed. I was 29, he was 27, we’d both been in LA, both been rejected for a lot of big opportunities. We’d both been kicking around in the same game. Immediate connection. Immediate friendship. Mutual excitement about this huge opportunity. Similar temperament, similar kind of excitement about it. We just got on, you know? I liked him very much.”) 好啦,全世界都知道你愛CH。



"I’ve got a new job looking after dogs in the afternoon," one of the actors announced, shivering.

"What’s it like?" said the other.

"A walk in the park."

"Well, I’ve got a new job in a patisserie, " came the reply, through chattering teeth.

"Oh yeah? What’s that like?"

"A piece of cake…"

"Okay then…I’ve got a job working in the sewers."

"What’s that like?"

"It’s shit."

雖然這段對話沒有明講哪句由誰所說,但我覺得開頭那句是CH(在公園散步的工作這段)說的,蛋糕店工作則是抖森掰的,最後一句Shit則是CH在玩文字遊戲XD 你們超煩,這什麼幼稚園對話啊wwwwww


5、洛姬可能不會在婦聯續集出現,CH對此感到可惜,因為他覺得自己跟抖森配合得最好。而抖森認為Joss應該會想加入新的元素,所以Loki出現的機會不大,而且Loki的變化已經超出他的預期,他不意外短期內將難再扮演Loki,但未來的事情難以預料。(One thing that has been revealed is that we should not expect Loki to return for another Avengers. A Round Four seems unlikely. “I guess that’s the case,” says Hemsworth. “He won’t be there [for Avengers 2] which is sad. My best stuff is with Tom.” “I do think it’s very correct of Joss to try to do something different,” insists Hiddleston. “I’m not sure how many other iterations of Loki’s fun and fractious interaction with The Avengers could come about. And they need new bad guys to fight, wouldn’t you agree? (Genocidal robot Ultron was confirmed as their new foe a few weeks later.) But I’ve had an amazing run. What’s happened with Loki has been beyond my wildest expectations. I don’t doubt that it will be a very long time before I’m allowed to play a character of such complexity, depth and dimension again. He rides a rollercoaster built on the fault-lines between damnation and redemption and back again. And the biggest corkscrew is that relationship with his brother. So Loki has been an amazing ride…And who knows what will happen in the future?”) 我想,Marvel當年也沒料想到洛姬會有這麼高的人氣,婦聯拍攝期時聚集在抖森休息車外的女粉比兩位肉役擔當克里斯還多,婦聯上映後更引爆大軍入伍潮,雖然大家都說Loki的故事幾乎說得差不多了,但,Marvel應該不會輕易放過這塊金牌啦~


另外,導演泰勒也對之前與Marvel爆出不合傳言提出解釋,雙方合作還算愉快,只是配樂創作這部分產生了意見相左的情況,但不構成大問題。泰勒也提到基本上Marvel系列電影由Kevin Feige一人主導,不過他也不是霸權者,一切有理好商量……哇,Kevin權力好大啊b Kevin滿喜歡湯湯,今年基神SDCC突擊計畫也是他私下跟抖森內定的成果,說不定Loki加戲也是他提出的建議哩b




嘴角的幅度是不是重疊啦b 一般版的Loki把臉修得更尖,額頭也沒這麼亮(喂)


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